Is the guest room of my house insured?

Is the guest room that I built in my backyard insured? It is typical for single-family homes in Florida to have other structures such as garages, guest rooms, and tool shops, separate from the [...]


How to work with outsourced companies?

How to work with outsourced companies? It is quite common for small businesses to need to outsource to other companies to fulfill certain projects, be it an electrician, a company specializing in [...]


Two main insurance for a home

Two main insurance for a home. The purchase of a property is a great investment not only for the buyer but also for the one who grants the mortgage loan. In order to mitigate the risks involved [...]


What are the Living Benefits?

Life Insurance with Living Benefits is the new type of life insurance evolved. Living Benefits has the power to accelerate your death benefit while you are still living if you suffer a heart [...]