Mistakes to avoid after being in a car accident | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Mistakes to avoid after being in a car accident

Five mistakes to avoid after being in a car accident. Statistics hold that an average person will suffer four accidents in their lifetime. That is, you will be hit or hit by your car every 18 years. A risk that average drivers cannot avoid.
Despite being an event that can happen to us at least four times in our existence, many motorists do not know how to react and make key mistakes after an accident that can worsen the consequences of the accident.
The most common mistake is leaving the scene of the accident. Something that is considered a crime classified as “hit and run” or hit and run.
Another blunder is that drivers don’t call in time for medical assistance. After the accident, they feel fine and do not request healthcare. However, disorders and injuries can show up days or weeks later. A reality that makes it difficult for insurance to link it with the past accident.
The third mistake is not calling the police so that they can make the accident report at the scene itself.
Another blunder is not gathering information or images of the accident or failing to document the damage to people and cars.
The last mistake is avoiding calling the insurance company. Florida is a no-fault state for auto insurance, which means that each party involved in an accident can make a claim to their own insurer. That’s what PIP coverage exists for. Five mistakes to avoid after being in a car accident.
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