10 safety tips for delivery companies | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

10 safety tips for delivery companies

10 safety tips for delivery companies. With the arrival of COVID-19, many people discovered online shopping and became fond of it. Since then, delivery is one of the fastest-growing businesses. More and more companies include in their business model bringing products to their customers’ homes. According to the specialized publication Zippia, in the US there are more than one million three hundred thousand delivery drivers.
Despite the boom, this job is considered a dangerous job because many drivers suffer accidents, robberies, and assaults.
To help you prevent bad experiences in your business, here are some safety tips for delivery drivers.

  1. Companies must use caller ID to track customer location.
  2. Keep a record of the routes that includes all customers, their phone numbers, and orders. This helps the company locate the driver.
  3. Install cameras in the vehicle. In case of theft or other incidents, it makes it easier for the driver to prove his innocence. Also, help the police catch violators and persuade thieves to take action.
  4. Avoid working with cash. Companies must advertise on a sign in the vehicle that drivers are low on cash.
  5. If it is not essential that the drivers must dress in civilian clothes.
  6. Avoid night deliveries. Drivers who have to work at night must, as a rule, park in lighted areas.
  7. Drivers should practice safe driving techniques to avoid accidents.
  8. It is important to know the delivery areas. Whenever the company can afford it, it should familiarize drivers with the routes.
  9. Drivers must park as close as possible to the delivery location.
  10. Always, when leaving the vehicle, they must lock it.

If you have a delivery business, remember that vehicles must have commercial insurance. At Univista Insurance you can get the cheapest insurance in Florida for your company’s vehicles. 10 safety tips for delivery companies.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.