A lightning bolt hits my house, does the insurance cover this risk? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

A lightning bolt hits my house, does the insurance cover this risk?

A lightning bolt hits my house, does the insurance cover this risk? Florida, in addition to being the Sunshine State, could well be called the Lightning Capital as it is struck by 1.2 million lightning bolts per year. This record surpasses the electrical discharges that fall over square miles in the rest of the states of the United States.
With these data, it is not surprising that many homeowners wonder if their homes are protected against the havoc that a lightning strike can cause.
The good news is that typical homeowner’s insurance covers the damages that can be caused by one of these frequent electrical discharges, which mainly occur during storms.
If a lightning bolt strikes your house directly and completely charred it, your home will be protected by your homeowner’s insurance. Your insurer will compensate you for the covered losses outlined in the insurance policy. This means it will cover the personal property that gets damaged. If you need to stay somewhere else while your house is being repaired, the insurance will cover those expenses, and if any of the “other structures” of your house, such as the garage or a fence, are damaged by the lightning, they would also be covered.
However, if the lightning strikes near your house and causes an electrical surge that damages your appliances, there may be doubts about the source of the damage. It could be due to a malfunction of the power company. That’s why some insurance policies often exclude these cases or only pay a percentage of the resulting losses in these incidents.
In conclusion, if one of the 1.2 million lightning strikes that hit Florida destroys your property, homeowner’s insurance will cover the damages it has suffered.
Do not overlook the fact that at Univista Insurance, you can obtain affordable insurance to protect your home. A lightning bolt hits my house, does the insurance cover this risk?

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