A lightning strike causes a power surge: is my equipment covered? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

A lightning strike causes a power surge: is my equipment covered?

A lightning strike causes a power surge: is my equipment covered? Florida is known as the lightning capital of the USA. Some 1.2 million annual electrical discharges occur in this state.
Although not all lightning strikes cause damage, many strike houses, and infrastructure built by human beings. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III) in 2021, there were 5,339 claims for lightning damage in Florida. Losses resulting from fires caused by lightning exceeded $88 million.
When lightning strikes your property, it can cause an electrical surge that can damage your appliances or even set the house on fire.
The good news is that most homeowners’ policies cover home fires caused by lightning. Also if the lightning causes a power surge that damages the appliances in your home.
However, when making the claim, it is recommended to take into account the deductible. That is, if the price of the refrigerator damaged by lightning exceeds the deductible that appears in your insurance contract, make the claim. The same if the sum of all damaged devices exceeds the deductible. Otherwise, do not file the claim because, in any case, it will be up to you to pay for the replacement of the damaged equipment.
Understanding your insurance policy helps you avoid disappointment and frustration when making a claim. Also to improve the conditions that appear in your contract. A lightning strike causes a power surge: is my equipment covered?

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also quote for free here.