Add your child to your auto insurance – here's why you should | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Add your child to your auto insurance – here’s why you should

Add your child to your auto insurance – here’s why you should. Your youngest just passed the driving test. Now, he can fulfill the dream of many teenagers: “taking the family car out for a spin.” It’s the initial step towards owning his vehicle and gaining independence and autonomy. But before handing over the car keys to your child, it’s crucial to know that you need to add them to your auto insurance.
Some parents mistakenly think their child needs to own a car to have auto insurance. That’s not the case. Kids under 18 can’t get auto insurance, even with a driver’s license. If they’re over 18 but still living at home, adding them to the parent’s insurance is advisable to keep the costs lower.
The price tag can be exorbitant if the young driver decides to get insurance independently. Inexperience, a limited credit history, and higher risk factors contribute to this.
In Florida, anyone with an active driver’s license living under the same roof as the vehicle owner must be declared on auto insurance. Attempting to conceal it takes more work. When authorities issue a driver’s license, they provide insurance companies with a risk report on drivers residing at the same address. Once insurers are aware, they typically contact their client to add the new driver to the policy or provide proof that the driver resides elsewhere or is covered by another auto insurance. Please take these steps to avoid the insurer canceling or refusing to renew the policy.
Adding an inexperienced driver, like a son or daughter, can sometimes significantly increase the premium. Getting in touch with a Univista Insurance agent is crucial to save a few dollars. They can help you find the insurer offering the best discounts for young drivers. Add your child to your auto insurance – here’s why you should.

Give us a call today for a thorough qualification! (305) 985-4126. You can also get a free quote here.