Black Friday: ideas for small merchants to fill the box | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Black Friday: ideas for small merchants to fill the box

Black Friday: ideas for small merchants to fill the box. Black Friday is the biggest sales day of the year in the retail market. If you have a small business, Black Friday can also be a great opportunity, even if it seems difficult to compete with large shopping centers. You can achieve it and that is why we offer you some tips that will help you move your customers from the Thanksgiving table to the room of your business.
The first thing is that customers should know that that day they will have a “great opportunity” if they buy the products or the service that you sell. To advertise it, it is essential to carry out a great marketing campaign. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Send offers by email, and use social platforms. Also, put up large billboards in your venue to draw the attention of passers-by and your customers to what’s going on there on Black Friday.
You must prepare what your offers will be. Study how much you can lower prices so that the products are very attractive and profitable. If it is not profitable for you to make them cheaper, you can use the technique of grouping several products. Check in the warehouse, you will surely find those products that have not had many sales. Well, it’s time to do smart cleaning. You can bundle them up and sell them very cheaply. For example, if you sell tableware sets, add the napkins you can’t sell. To the toothpaste, add a cheap brush, to the gentleman’s perfume, a tie.
Another idea is to create discount vouchers. These are very attractive. “For every $100 spent on Black Friday, you’ll get a 10% discount voucher to use another day.” If you have a gym, you can offer a free month for the subscription on Black Friday. If you mow grass, for $50, it’s not a bad idea to offer discount vouchers for early payment of six cuts for $250.
On the other hand, the Black Friday of your business does not have to be on Friday. A good way to compete is to anticipate. Beauty salons and barbers, for example, could make the previous Wednesday their particular Black Friday. “Free facial massage, for a haircut.”
As you can see, small businesses can also benefit from Black Friday. You just need to have imagination, be creative and use social networks.
Do not forget that the risks of having a business are permanent and that at Univista Insurance you will find the cheapest commercial insurance in Florida. Also do not lose sight of the fact that Cyber ​​Monday -November 28- is the great opportunity to sell online. Black Friday: ideas for small merchants to fill the box.

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