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New law allows you to lower your health insurance

New law allows you to lower your health insurance. Millions of people who were not eligible for Obamacare can now benefit from subsidized medical plans, following the recent signing of the Coronavirus Relief Plan.

With this change, which took effect on April 1st, millions of Americans can enroll in Obamacare until August 15th, as it expands subsidies to higher income levels. It also allows those who have previously enrolled to improve the benefits of their coverage.

This is important because the new plan reduces the cost of medical plans for individuals who already had coverage in place.

If you have a medical plan since late 2020, the new regulation allows you to review it and obtain a cheaper monthly premium or switch to another plan with greater benefits.

However, this does not happen automatically; you have to call Univista Insurance to enjoy the new benefits. New law allows you to lower your health insurance.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 964-8803. You can also quote for free here.

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