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Term Life Insurance, the favorite of young couples

Term Life Insurance, the favorite of young couples. Living together, building a home, and having children create an emotional and financial interdependence between two people. It is a project in which both partners contribute to ensure economic stability, on which future plans, children’s education, and the pursuit of family happiness are built upon.

If one of the partners were to pass away, the balance would be disrupted, and everything could fall apart. That is why many young couples turn to Term Life Insurance to guarantee such stability during the most critical period for a family, that is, while they strive for financial independence.

Term Life Insurance provides coverage for a specific period of time – 10, 15, 20, or 30 years – with the agreed-upon sum of money stated in the contract.

The insured individual can determine the amount of coverage they desire. However, it is common to multiply the insured person’s annual salary by ten. So, if an insured person earning $50,000 per year were to pass away, their family would receive $500,000.

Some companies may offer to invest that money in a fund that generates a 10% annual return. The family would then receive approximately $50,000 per year from that fund.

Term Life Insurance is trendy among young couples because it is very affordable, the premium rate remains the same during the coverage period, and it is a straightforward contract.

Call Univista Insurance and ensure your family for less than you can imagine. Term Life Insurance, the favorite of young couples.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.

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