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The best gift for Valentine’s Day

The best gift for Valentine’s Day. I love you with all my life, we usually say to our loved ones. To those who have decided to accompany us on the fleeting journey through earthly existence. In February, which is the month of love, whose peak is Valentine’s Day, compliments and declarations of feelings are more on the surface.

Cardiologists, taking advantage of the love trend, have named February as the month of the heart and launch numerous campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of cardiovascular health, based on the fragility of life.

This a key message in a country where one person dies every 36 seconds due to a heart condition, or in other words, the lives of 655,000 Americans end each year due to heart-related conditions.

The “I love you so much,” whispered on February 14, usually comes with a gift, wrapped in beautiful heart paper. Rings, flowers, chocolates, perfumes, a romantic dinner, or a night in a hotel are the gifts that lovers most often resort to that day. It all depends on the mood and economy we have at the time.

But how about giving your loved one a lifetime, quantified in thousands of dollars?

Although it may seem strange, it is possible. Otherwise, what would happen to your loved one if you were one of those Americans who die every 36 seconds due to a heart condition? How would their life continue? How would they support your children? How would they pay for the house? The best Valentine’s Day gift.

All of these questions are answered by life insurance with living benefits. This document could be the best gift for your significant other, it would give them the opportunity to face a world made for couples, families, and whole fruits. If something happened to you, you could continue to provide for them even from beyond. Your beloved could receive $250,000 or $300,000 in death benefits.

Call Univista Insurance and prepare the best gift you can give for the price of a romantic dinner. The best gift for Valentine’s Day.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.

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