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What is the best toothpaste available on the market?

What is the best toothpaste available on the market? There are a large number of toothpaste with different brands and characteristics. Some toothpaste is anticavity, anti-tartar, whitening, anti-plaque, for sensitive teeth, for sensitive gums, and fluoride-free.
As we can see, each toothpaste has a specific function depending on its composition. Anticavity toothpaste, as its name implies, prevents the development of cavities by having a higher concentration of fluoride.
Anti-tartar toothpaste uses a high concentration of zinc salts to prevent the formation of tartar between teeth. Whitening toothpaste, aided by peroxide, restores teeth to their original color. Anti-plaque toothpaste relies on chlorhexidine to prevent the creation of bacterial plaque and prevent cavities.
Toothpaste for sensitive gums has a higher percentage of antiseptic substances. They are recommended for inflamed gums and to address gingivitis or periodontitis. Finally, fluoride-free toothpaste is recommended after surgery because fluoride inhibits the action of chlorhexidine, which is an antiseptic.
It would be incorrect to say that one toothpaste is better than another. Each one should be used depending on specific needs. What is undoubtedly true is that we should brush our teeth after every meal, at least three times a day. It is very important to never go to bed without brushing our teeth. Two professional dental cleanings per year are recommended as part of preventive oral health care.
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