Can my oral health make me more vulnerable to COVID? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Can my oral health make me more vulnerable to COVID?

Can my oral health make me more vulnerable to COVID? It is not entirely clear if conditions of the mouth can make us more vulnerable to COVID. However, a scientific publication that appeared in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology argued that people with severe gum disease appeared to be at higher risk of contracting the coronavirus more severely.
For their part, the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP) and the American Dental Association (ADA) agree that further research is needed to determine any relationship between oral health and COVID-19. However, they consider that maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly contributes to general well-being.
The least expensive way to be able to visit the dentist regularly is to have dental insurance. Since most plans include preventive exams and regular cleanings. Both are essential to ensure those mouth problems are detected early before they require more important and expensive procedures. Can my oral health make me more vulnerable to COVID?
The best and cheapest dental insurance in all of Florida can be found with the advisors at Univista Insurance. Keep in mind that regular dental care is essential for your children to grow up healthy.

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