Does the waiting period affect your insurance? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Does the waiting period affect your insurance?

Dental insurance, like most insurance, is purchased through the payment of a monthly premium. But unlike other coverages, dental insurance generally includes a waiting period (Waiting Period) of three, four, five months, or more.

What does that mean and how does it affect me?

Well, the waiting period is the time that must elapse from when the customer purchases their insurance premium until the coverage is activated. In other words, if the client needs dental treatment during the Waiting Period, they will have to bear the costs on their own.

Although it seems unfair, it is a way to avoid that the prices of dental insurance become too expensive. And on the other hand, it prevents someone from taking out dental insurance to get an expensive treatment and, when they receive it, abandon the insurance.

However, most companies allow the client to enjoy the benefits of certain preventive treatments and services during the waiting period. In other words, if you purchase dental insurance, during the first two months you could be covered for cleaning, check-ups, x-rays, and seal treatment.

After the waiting period, the client will have access to basic treatments and services such as extractions, cures for gum diseases, fillings, and root canals. For which you will pay around 20% of the price.

After the period stipulated in your contract, you will be able to benefit from major treatments and procedures, such as crowns, implants, and prostheses, paying 50% of their price.

However, it is good that you know that there are companies in the market that offer dental insurance without Waiting Period whose premiums and deductibles are generally more expensive.

If you are interested in purchasing dental insurance, talk to a Univista Insurance specialist, and explain what your needs are. You will get the best insurance on the market.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 227-9304. You can also quote for free here.