Dental sealants, a protective shield for your children's teeth | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Dental sealants, a protective shield for your children’s teeth

Dental sealants, a protective shield for your children’s teeth. One of the fundamental concerns of parents is to keep their children healthy. Despite teaching them sanitary hygiene habits, such as daily grooming and mouthwashing after meals, there is no guarantee that children’s teeth will be free from cavities.
However, there is a painless, easy-to-apply, and highly effective treatment that acts as a protective shield for children’s teeth. It’s called dental sealants.
Dental sealants are a simple protective layer that is applied to the teeth like transparent paint. This layer prevents cavities from forming in the deep grooves of molars and on the back surface of the teeth.
The best part is that sealants can be applied during a dental visit without any pain or discomfort. The dentist will thoroughly dry the tooth and apply the sealant, which hardens within seconds.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, sealants can reduce the risk of cavities by up to 80%.
Now, you may be wondering if dental insurance covers the application of sealants for your children. The answer is yes. Most dental insurance plans cover the application of sealants, providing you with peace of mind and saving you from sleepless nights due to toothaches and emergency dental visits.
If you’re interested in obtaining affordable dental insurance for your family, call Univista Insurance. Dental sealants, a protective shield for your children’s teeth.

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