Does dental insurance cover implants? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Does dental insurance cover implants?

Does dental insurance cover implants? Dental treatments are usually very expensive. Above all, if surgery is necessary as in maxillofacial or implant treatments. For this reason, many people take out dental insurance in order to save when they need to visit the dentist.
There are also those who refuse to have insurance arguing that aesthetic treatments, such as implants, are not covered.
Actually, there are some insurance companies that include implants in their coverage. However, as it is a very expensive treatment, it may exceed the limits of the annual maximums of dental insurance. That is, if your contract benefit limit is $2,000 per year and your implant treatment costs $10,000, you will have to pay out of pocket for anything over that limit.
In the case of insurance companies that exclude implants from their coverage, the good news is that this procedure includes several services: Consultations, x-rays, preparation for surgery, extractions, in some cases, bone grafts, surgery, and anesthesia, many of which could be covered by dental insurance and benefit you.
On the other hand, implant treatment is usually a time-consuming process. If you plan your operation for the end of the year and continue it the following year, you could collect two annual insurance benefits. There are also insurers that allow you to transfer to the next year the coverage benefit, which has not been exhausted.
Whatever the case, it is best to have dental insurance and discuss how to get the most out of it. If you don’t have insurance, you don’t have to rack your brains over these things, you just need to prepare your pocket for a huge outlay.
At Univista Insurance you can find the cheapest dental insurance in Florida. Does dental insurance cover implants?

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