Four risks we forget when insuring a business | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Four risks we forget when insuring a business

Four risks we generally forget when insuring a business. Few people question the importance of businesses having commercial insurance to protect them from the risks they face on a daily basis.
With this objective, the insurers have created the BOP or the business owner insurance, a package that groups the Commercial Liability Insurance with the Commercial Property Insurance, and, as a result, a policy is obtained that financially protects the company from lawsuits. of a client, losses caused by a fire, or damages associated with an act of vandalism.
By having the BOP, many businesses overlook four insurance against risks that constantly haunt companies, such as the Liability for Labor Practices policy, which covers owners from possible lawsuits for discrimination, sexual harassment, or wrongful termination. Cases often very difficult to defend.
The Cyber ​​Responsibility coverage, intended to protect companies and employees from crimes committed online, such as personality theft, computer attacks, or data theft, is also not taken into account.
The third insurance commonly looked down upon by business owners is Professional Liability. This protects the employer from errors or omissions when doing their work. It is the specific insurance that covers the so-called malpractices, negligence, or misrepresentation.
No matter how hard you and your employees are doing your job, there are always dissatisfied customers capable of filing expensive lawsuits that can damage your pocketbook and your company’s reputation.
And finally, Business Interruption Insurance. He is in charge of covering the losses caused after a disaster such as a fire, for the time that he cannot continue with the business. It also protects you if the company is forced to close because of a third party. For example, during a construction process outside your business. Four risks we generally forget when insuring a business.
If you are interested in any of these insurances, call Univista Insurance who will prepare a commercial insurance package just tailored to the needs of your business.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.