Have your flood insurance at hand | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Have your flood insurance at hand

Have your flood insurance at hand. Until next November 30, we will be under the menacing mantle of the 2021 hurricane season. During this period, rains and storms will be an almost daily occurrence. You just need to see the daily weather report.
The most sensible recommendation for homeowners whose homes are located in high-risk areas is to have their homeowner’s insurance in place, as well as flood insurance.
It may seem redundant, the reality is that most homeowner’s insurance does not cover damage to a home in the event of water penetration. So it is preferable to have both policies.
Despite the extensive coverage that the Florida media dedicates to the issue of the hurricane season, there are people who, in order to save minuscule sums of money, are able to “calculate” how much longer they can support without a policy, and leave for the last-minute purchase of flood insurance. They think that one more month without insurance equals one month of savings.
However, such homeowners overlook that flood insurance has a 30-day waiting period before it becomes effective. Explained in other words, if someone buys flood insurance on June 25, their home will be protected only as of July 25, and the water damage suffered by the home during the waiting period will have to be remedied by the owner with money out of your pocket.
NOAA meteorologists predict that this season will be as active as last, that 13 to 20 named storms will form in the Atlantic, of which 6 to 10 will be hurricanes, of which between 3 and 5 will be category 3 or higher.
Those who live in Florida understand that it is time to prepare and the best weapons they have are insurance. Have your flood insurance at hand.
Don’t waste any more time, call Univista Insurance and get flood insurance that protects your home and belongings for less than you think.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-267-7138. You can also quote for free here.