How to properly secure your largest investment? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

How to properly secure your largest investment?

How to properly secure your largest investment? The house is the biggest investment of our life. The median home value in Florida is $ 267,296, according to Zillow. Only last year said value increased by 7.9%.
Yet two out of every three properties in the US are underinsured. This means that millions of Americans are at risk of losing their homes, should they suffer a major disaster. They would be unable to rebuild them because the value of the sum insured is less than the real value of the covered assets.
If you are a homeowner, you can avoid this situation by seeking the advice of an insurance agent from Univista Insurance. Communicate explicitly that you want full coverage of your home and belongings. The goal is to purchase an up-to-date replacement policy. Be honest with the agent, explain the improvements you have made, the belongings you have, and follow their instructions. Keep all the documentation confirming that the coverage is sufficient to replace your home and your belongings.
It is important to understand that the sale or appraisal price of your property is not always equal to the actual cost of rebuilding. How to properly secure your largest investment?
Call Univista Insurance and protect your biggest investment.

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