I can't find employees, can I hire undocumented immigrants? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

I can’t find employees, can I hire undocumented immigrants?

I can’t find employees, can I hire undocumented immigrants? With the increase in the entry of immigrants to the US, many undocumented people knock on the doors of companies applying for a job. Some employers who cannot find workers are tempted to hire them.
If you own a company or are a contractor, you should be careful when making the decision to hire someone who does not have proper work authorization. You should know that both federal and state laws explicitly prohibit hiring undocumented people.
Furthermore, employers must file Form I-9 for each person hired. Through this document, the employer attests that the worker has employment authorization. That is why the employee is required to show his company the documents that authorize him to work. To comply with the law, the employer must attach and file a copy of the documents presented by the worker with the corresponding form I-9. If requested, make them available to government-authorized inspectors.
If an employer is found guilty of hiring a person without a work permit, he could be fined up to $500. The second time the same violation is committed, the employer could be sentenced to 60 days in jail and another $500 fine.
There is a verification system called E-Verify that allows companies to determine the eligibility of their employees to work and check the legitimacy of the documents presented by the workers.
In short, if you own a company, restaurant, pizzeria, or are a contractor, remember that hiring people without work authorization can trigger certain negative consequences for your business that could lead to the loss of your business license. A risk that your commercial insurance does not cover. I can’t find employees, can I hire undocumented immigrants?

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