I don't need flood insurance; that's what FEMA is for | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

I don’t need flood insurance; that’s what FEMA is for

I don’t need flood insurance; that’s what FEMA is for. The most significant losses from hurricanes that hit Florida over the past three years were caused by flooding. Hurricanes Idalia (2023), Ian (2022), and Elsa (2021) triggered catastrophic floods, causing damages that ran into billions of dollars. This scenario could repeat in 2024, as forecasts predict the current hurricane season will be the most active in the last 30 years.
While it’s almost a given that some parts of Florida will flood during a storm, many homeowners choose not to have flood insurance. They believe that if a hurricane devastates their area and causes flooding, the President of the United States will declare a disaster zone, triggering sufficient federal funds to cover their losses. Even though 75% of presidential disaster declarations have been due to floods, this seemingly logical stance needs to be more balanced and show a misunderstanding of how these processes work.
If a homeowner has a flood insurance policy and their house floods due to natural causes, they simply need to file a claim with their insurance company to receive financial compensation. This straightforward process eliminates the need to wait for a presidential declaration to get federal assistance, providing homeowners with a more efficient and reliable solution in times of crisis.
Even when an area is declared a major disaster zone, obtaining FEMA funds is often a long and complicated process. It’s crucial to understand that federal assistance is partial, aimed at restoring safety, habitability, and hygiene of the affected property. In contrast, flood insurance aims to restore the property to its pre-damage condition, covering both structures and personal belongings. This comprehensive coverage is a significant advantage over federal assistance, which may not fully address all the financial and property restoration needs.
Additionally, federal disaster assistance is often given as a loan, typically 10 to 15 times lower than what flood insurance compensation would provide. Federal assistance must be repaid, whereas flood insurance payouts do not.
In summary, having a flood insurance policy is invaluable for avoiding the headaches of dealing with the federal bureaucracy. It’s the simplest way to restore your property to its safe, comfortable, and pristine condition after a storm. I don’t need flood insurance; that’s what FEMA is for.

Give us a call today for a complete evaluation! 305-267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.