Do I need commercial insurance for delivery? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Do I need commercial insurance for delivery?

I have my business, do I need commercial insurance for delivery? The mentality of the good entrepreneur is to try to reduce expenses and maximize the profits of the business. But, although the main objective of any company is to profit, the owner must know how to maintain the balance that exists between security and recklessness in the venture. Especially now that we are beginning to recover financially, after a long year marked by the pandemic.
Well, this is what happened to Ismael, the owner of the pizzeria “La Ragazza di Hialeah”, a family Italian restaurant, with a lot of acceptance among his clients. As it turns out, at noon, most of the orders that arrive at the restaurant are for delivery. Sometimes, Ismael himself brings the pizzas to the clients’ houses or sends his assistant Alberto. “So, man, you earn a tip,” Ismael often says.
Last Tuesday, when the young assistant was carrying a delivery, he lost his brakes and crashed the car into a furniture store. Fortunately, nothing happened to Alberto, but in the accident, he injured a person and broke all the windows and part of the furniture on the premises.
When claiming the insurance, the company got out of the way, arguing, not without reason, that the private car was being used for commercial activity without proper coverage.
With nothing to claim, Ismael will have to take care of the rehabilitation expenses of the injured person, the repair of the store, and the repair of his own car. Better not say how much the intrepid entrepreneur has to shell out.
If Ismael’s car had been protected by a commercial policy, this whole event would have remained an unpleasant anecdote. Since the policy would guarantee the protection of the vehicle, the driver, the company, and, in addition, damages to third parties. I have my business, do I need commercial insurance for delivery?
It is recommended that, if you have a business and use your car for work, you should take out commercial auto insurance and include whoever uses it as an occasional driver. Ismael thought that he was saving and what he did was buy himself a big problem.
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