If you have your car tuned, you must read this | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

If you have your car tuned, you must read this

If you have your car tuned, you must read this. Armando participates with great success in the Miami Beach car sound competitions. He has tuned his car, turning it into a traveling disco. When he opens the trunk, he looks like the inside of a spaceship. He has assembled a very sophisticated sound system, complete with light fixtures, large speakers, and television screens.
“All the money that Armando earns fixing roofs, he throws it on the car,” says his mother, who looks with some disbelief at the hobby of her son.
But Armando had a big accident one day. A truck lost its brakes at a stoplight and hit the “traveling disco” from behind. The impact was so strong that the car overturned and crashed into a light pole. Armando was unharmed by a pure miracle.
When this young man claimed his insurance, the company declared the vehicle a total loss and wrote him a check for $ 4,300, “the market value of the car.” “And to top it all, I had to pay the deductible,” he warns very annoyed.
Armando has unsuccessfully claimed the insurer, arguing that more than $ 15,000 has been spent on music equipment alone.
But the agent explained that the modifications and customizations that he made to the vehicle are not covered by a standard policy. Therefore, the value of the cart is based on the factory-installed components.
All is not lost for fans of tuning. There are insurance companies that offer special coverage for tuned or modified cars. They call it “custom parts and equipment coverage.” These cover non-factory installed parts and equipment that are damaged in a car accident. If Armando had such coverage, he may have received more compensation from the insurance. If you have your car tuned, you must read this.
You know, if you are a fan of tuning, do not overlook that standard insurance is not your thing. Contact Univista Insurance and tell them you want to protect the sophisticated accessories you have added to your vehicle.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.