Is it necessary to have vision insurance? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Is it necessary to have vision insurance?

Is it necessary to have vision insurance? Sight is one of a person’s most important senses. Keeping her healthy should be a constant concern. It is a mistake to go to the ophthalmologist only when we have discomfort caused by a condition or an accident. It is essential to have our eyes examined at least once a year as recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).
It is known that serious diseases can be discovered through the eyes – cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases – in their initial stages, even before their first symptoms appear.
Having vision insurance will cover the costs of eye exams and the payment of glasses or contact lenses. You can also offer discounts on eye surgery operations.
It is a mistake to think that vision insurance is only necessary for people with eye problems. AAO recommends checking our vita once a year before turning 20 years old, after this age, go twice a year to examine the vision.
If you want to have good vision insurance, call Univista Insurance and you will find the plan that best suits your pocket and the needs of your family. Is it necessary to have vision insurance?

Call us today for a complete qualification! (305) 227-9304. You can also quote for free here.