Let me know what you have at home, and I'll tell you how much you can claim from the insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Let me know what you have at home, and I’ll tell you how much you can claim from the insurance

Let me know what you have at home, and I’ll tell you how much you can claim from the insurance. Nothing is more stressful than recalling every damaged personal belonging in a fire, let alone knowing where and when each item was purchased and its price. However, that information is essential when filing a claim with the insurance company to compensate for losses after a disaster, as outlined in a typical insurance contract.
So, what’s the solution? Many wonder. The most straightforward approach is maintaining an inventory that documents every item we purchase, including price, date, and model. This inventory includes everything from pants to shoes to watches, TVs, computers, furniture, phones, lamps, ornaments, kitchen utensils, and appliances. Some contracts allow for the inclusion of jewelry up to a specific value.
Despite its usefulness, documenting everything we own can be cumbersome. The good news is that several apps are now available that allow you to keep your inventory up to date. You need to dedicate one or more days to take photos of what you have in the attic, kitchen closet, and tool room and input the necessary information to be well recorded in the app. Every time you purchase something, capture the purchase receipt and the product, and your inventory stays updated. In case of theft, fire, or flood, you only need to search your app for the damaged or stolen items and claim them with the insurance. With this method, there should be no doubt that the damaged and claimed items were yours.
Another advantage of having a good inventory is that it allows you to acquire the necessary coverage according to the value of your personal property, neither more nor less.
Ultimately, if you want efficient property insurance that’s as market-priced as possible, call Univista Insurance. Let me know what you have at home, and I’ll tell you how much you can claim from the insurance.

Give us a call today for a comprehensive evaluation! (305) 267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.