Life insurance that puts you at the center | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Life insurance that puts you at the center

Life insurance that puts you at the center. Permanent life insurance has a clear goal: to provide financial security to loved ones when the insured dies. So much so, that the benefit that relatives obtain is called a death benefit. The most sarcastic maintain that it is death insurance because the fundamental condition for loved ones to collect the benefit of the policy is that the insured dies.
But this premise has changed. Now there is the possibility that the insured receive money in life if he takes out life insurance with benefits in life. It is very simple, companies have realized that life is very long and the circumstances of it are very changeable. It was the case that a person, after paying life insurance for 30 years, became ill and lacked the money to receive the necessary care. It was a great paradox, if he died, the family received $ 300,000, however, he lacked the funds to guarantee his care.
The remedy for this anomaly was the creation of life insurance with a lifetime benefit through which the insured can access the money accumulated in their policy, in the event of suffering a terminal, critical or chronic illness. That is, if an insured person suffers a heart attack, he suffers from cancer,
he acquires any terminal illness or becomes disabled, he can benefit from his own life insurance.
So the good news is that life insurance with living benefits does not leave you out of the financial protection you have created with your family in mind. Life insurance that puts you at the center.
If you are interested in learning more about this and other types of insurance, call Univista Insurance and you will get the cheapest insurance in Florida.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.