Obamacare, what are you waiting to enroll? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Obamacare, what are you waiting to enroll?

Obamacare adds 2 million, what are you waiting to enroll? More than 2 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare in 2021 during the special enrollment period that ends on August 15. A significant fact is that 1.2 million have chosen policies that cost 10 dollars or less a month due to the increase in government subsidies through the rescue plan of more than 1.9 billion dollars.
Undoubtedly, the new policies promoted by President Joe Biden have made Obamacare more affordable for the middle class as well, since affiliates with the best salaries only pay up to 8.5% of their income for health coverage, improving the 10% that they had to pay for coverage until last year.
Right now, for the first time, a single person earning more than 400% of the federal poverty level, or $ 51,000, can also receive a health insurance subsidy, as can a four-member household earning $ 104,800.
If despite the great campaign that has been deployed, you have not been aware or were not convinced of the benefits of having a medical plan under Obamacare, and you do not have it, we urge you not to waste any more time and call Univista Insurance to sign up for this special period. Your health policy may be the cheapest you ever dreamed of. Of course, you only have until next August 15 to formalize your registration. Obamacare adds 2 million, what are you waiting to enroll?

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 964-8803. You can also quote for free here.