Obamacare: Is automatic enrollment recommended? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Obamacare: Is automatic enrollment recommended?

Obamacare: Is automatic enrollment recommended? The registration period for subsidized medical plans, known as Obamacare, is open until January 15. People interested in changing plans should take advantage of this window of time to find a more convenient one and enroll.
However, there are those who are happy with their current plan and do not want to change. Many of them choose to do nothing and auto-renew for 2023. It’s a valid option, but it may not be the most convenient. You will wonder why.
Well, the plans usually change from one year to the next. Your PCP may not be listed among your plan providers for the coming year. It is possible that the bronze plan you enjoy now will become more expensive and next year, you will end up paying more for the benefits you now receive for free. There is a possibility that a cheaper plan with better benefits will arrive on the market.
On the other hand, it is important that you know that some health service providers are withdrawing from the market. If this happens with yours, they will enroll you in a plan similar to the one you have without regard to your discretion.
Also, your financial situation for 2023 may be very different than this year. If your income decreases, another of the Marketplace plans may be for you.
Finally, we recommend that you contact your Univista Insurance agent and together review the different existing offers. It will recommend the best 2023 coverage for you and your family. Obamacare: Is automatic enrollment recommended?

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