Paying less is my wish for 2021 | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Paying less is my wish for 2021

Paying less home insurance is my wish for 2021. In the collective memory, 2020 will remain as the year of COVID-19: confinements, infections, masks, social distancing, deaths, economic crisis, food lines, and massive job layoffs. We will remember it as the year that an invisible but deadly enemy roamed the entire world at ease.
However, in just a few days the new year begins. Life has wanted with him to come to the hope of the vaccines that promise to end this terrible pandemic.
Every time a year begins, we usually make a list of resolutions in which we list the objectives we want to achieve and set the new course.
Usually, in these lists, we aim to lose weight, go to a gym, change jobs, study English, finally! buy the house of our dream, start a business, change cars or get pregnant, etc.
One of the most recurring wishes, especially when a period of crisis looms, is to cut expenses. Fixed expenses, such as electricity, water, car, mortgages, debt, food, and insurance become the first objective.
According to statistics, Florida pays an average of $ 1,993 a year on home insurance. In Miami-Dade, this figure increases to an average of $ 211 per month.
In a state where properties are constantly threatened by major storms, although this insurance is not required, doing without it does not seem like a reasonable option.
There is no other option but to keep it, but you can negotiate to lower your premiums, without giving up your coverage. Paying less home insurance is my wish for 2021.
If reducing the cost of your home insurance is one of your good resolutions for the coming year, call Univista Insurance and you will certainly be able to lower your premiums without reducing the quality of your coverage.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 508-9575. You can also quote for free here.