Perhaps you are unaware that tires have an expiration date | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Perhaps you are unaware that tires have an expiration date

Perhaps you are unaware that tires have an expiration date. Tires are one of the most important parts of a vehicle, being the only ones that make contact with the ground, absorbing all the impacts from the road – heat, potholes, water, snow, rocks, screws, glass, or mud. They bear the entire force of acceleration, gripping in turns, and the vehicle’s braking.
That’s why it’s recommended to have them balanced, aligned, properly inflated, and to use them as long as they remain safe – that is, as long as their treads provide grip and prevent the risk of bursting.
Tires have an expiration date, beyond which the quality of the material is not guaranteed. In other words, over time, the tires degrade, lose elasticity, and start to crack, which increases the risk of bursting while in use.
A set of tires typically lasts around 60,000 to 70,000 miles. It’s advisable to replace them after being used for five years, or when the tread depth is less than 1.6 mm.
A tire is considered expired and should be replaced when any of the following conditions occur: it’s been mounted for five years, the tread depth is too shallow, it has reached 60,000 miles – or whatever distance the manufacturer recommends.
It’s crucial to understand that a tire, even if it has never been used and has been stored, becomes old and unsafe to use after ten years from its manufacturing date. If you are sold a tire, pay attention to the manufacturing date, which is the four digits that appear on the tire itself after the DOT code 2223. In this example, the first two digits indicate that it was manufactured in the 22nd week, which is from May 29th to June 4th. The last two digits indicate that it was manufactured in the year 2023. If someone tries to sell you a tire with the DOT code 2211, even if it’s brand new, it means it’s 12 years old and it’s not safe to use. Perhaps you are unaware that tires have an expiration date.

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