Red snapper season is open in Florida—let's go fishing! | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Red snapper season is open in Florida—let’s go fishing!

Red snapper season is open in Florida—let’s go fishing! Red snapper season is open in the Gulf! Florida’s recreational fishing season started on June 1 and runs through July 31. Hundreds of boats will sail for a day of fishing with family and friends.
While boat insurance isn’t required in Florida, boats can incur significant damage from navigational accidents or severe weather. Without the right policy, the owner is responsible for those costs.
Consider the convenience of having boat insurance. For instance, if a boat breaks down in the middle of the ocean and needs towing, and the owner doesn’t have proper coverage, the towing costs will be out of pocket. With the right policy, this could be a worry-free situation.
If you own a boat in Florida, boat insurance is highly recommended. This should include liability coverage for injuries to people on board, accidents you’re responsible for, or damage to others. You should also have collision and comprehensive coverage to protect your boat in case of accidents or damage. Additionally, towing coverage on the water can reimburse you for towing costs after a breakdown.
Pay attention to fuel spill coverage to avoid potential fines and physical damage coverage to protect your boat while it’s docked.
At Univista Insurance, we understand that every boat owner’s needs are unique. That’s why we offer boat insurance tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring you can enjoy the adventure of catching those prized red snappers in the Gulf with the peace of mind that you’re protected. Red snapper season is open in Florida—let’s go fishing!

Call us today for a complete assessment! 305-728-2088. You can also get a free quote here.