Should I have liquor liability insurance on my business? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Should I have liquor liability insurance on my business?

Should I have liquor liability insurance on my business? No one doubts that a good restaurant, in addition to magnificent cuisine, must have a varied wine list. If, in addition, you have a bar where they prepare different cocktails, then the business can be much more attractive.
Accompanying an exquisite plate of food with some alcoholic drink is part of our good customs. But if your business wants to take advantage of this habit, you must have liability insurance for the sale of liquor -liquor liability Insurance policy-.
This policy, whose objective is to protect the business from possible claims for damages or excesses committed by drunk clients against third parties, covers the legal expenses of the company, the invoices of the lawyers who defend it, and, as we have already indicated, the damages and losses caused by intoxicated clients if the company is declared responsible.
In addition, this insurance includes coverage to protect waiters in their workplace, in case of suffering an assault or being victims in a fight between drunk customers.
Finally, if you have a bar or restaurant where alcoholic beverages are sold when you purchase your commercial insurance package, you must include a liability policy for the sale of liquor, the price of which will depend on the type of business and its location.
Be careful, if you do not usually sell alcohol but you have a special event, New Year’s Eve, or a birthday, where you plan to dispense drinks, you can purchase eventual host liquor liability insurance. This, like the one mentioned above, will protect your company and workers from harm caused by drunk customers. Should I have liquor liability insurance on my business?

Call us today for a complete qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.