Seven tips to avoid getting your business closed | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Seven tips to avoid getting your business closed

Business owners have a very difficult time operating in times of pandemic. Despite the fact that in Florida the measures have been relaxed and almost all types of businesses are allowed to operate, the authorities demand that they comply with the sanitary measures created by the Center for Disease Control, under penalty of fines or closure.
According to predictions, the number of infections is expected to escalate again during the winter. Authorities know that the only way to minimize the impact of the pandemic is to comply with the measures imposed by the CDC and put their eyes on public places.
But don’t worry, if you have a business, it is in your hands to avoid the closures or fines that create so many economic disruptions in small businesses. Here we share some tips to avoid getting your business closed.
-Demand the use of a mask within your premises. It is proven that it is the only individual material barrier that we can put up to prevent the spread of the virus.
-Although much has been written about the occupancy limit, you must ensure that social distancing is complied with within your premises. Tables or furniture must be spaced six feet apart and no more than six people can be at each.
-Use signs and signs to indicate to workers and customers that they must keep their distance, the use of masks, and the areas where they must move.
-Create a plan to deal with uncomfortable customers, those who refuse to comply with the established measures.
-Increase the cleaning and disinfection of the premises and for this create a strict schedule.
-If your company’s work can be done from home, avoid bringing your employees to the office until the pandemic ends.
And if you need cheap commercial insurance tailored to your business, and some tips to avoid getting your business closed, don’t forget to call Univista Insurance.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.