Term Life Insurance the best weapon in this time | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Term life insurance, the best weapon in such a virulent time

Term life insurance, the best weapon in such a virulent time. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone. In addition to the global pandemic, it has been the year of business closures, layoffs, increased social stress, and violence.
According to a preliminary FBI report, murders in 2020 increased 15% nationwide. The pandemic, social stress, and the massive purchase of weapons are seen as possible causes of the increase in violence. This year the downward trend in crime in the United States over the last decade was reversed.
The good news is that the present violence is associated with the COVID-19 crisis. If the pandemic can be controlled, it is to be expected that the crime associated with it will decrease. The bad news is that we will have to wait, at least, until 2023 to recover the economic levels of before the pandemic, according to experts.
Therefore, during 2021, the current level of crime will persist, to a greater or lesser degree.
If before the crisis it was necessary to have life insurance to guarantee the future of the family, in such a virulent social context it is even more convenient. The current reality should be persuasive enough to interest us in term life insurance.
Thus, if something happens to us and we leave this world earlier than expected, it is better to do it with the peace of mind that we have left our children financially protected. Term life insurance, the best weapon in such a virulent time.
Term life insurance can be purchased for 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years. The monthly premiums for this insurance are really cheap and the death benefit is the closest thing to the inheritance that a wealthy person leaves behind.
Call Univista Insurance and insure your loved ones against the bad plays that fate may hide from you.

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