Term insurance: security and peace you deserve | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Term insurance: security and peace you deserve

Term life insurance: the home security and peace of mind you deserve. Someone classified term life insurance as young couples insurance. Because informed young people go to it to protect their own when they have not yet created the financial conditions that they aspire to achieve in their lives.
The classic example is the mortgage. If a married couple, with children, are paying for the house, what would happen if one of them were missing? The survivor would have great difficulty coping with the debt. Something similar happens if a child starts studying at the university and the parents are the ones who are in charge of financing the degree. If one of them were to be absent, the child’s sleep would be jeopardized.
There are couples with two children that, suddenly, the woman becomes pregnant with twins or triplets. The most sensible step, after hearing the news, is to buy a term life insurance policy.
The objective of this insurance is to guarantee financially, for a specific period of time, a relevant purpose for the family. Be it children’s education, mortgage payments, financial stability, or a college degree.
There are many advantages to having term life insurance. On the one hand, the insured knows how long he will be protected, 10, 15, 20, or 25 years. As the premiums are so cheap, it makes it easier for each member of the marriage to purchase a policy. In most contracts, the premiums remain unchanged until the end of the contract.
An illustrative example, a 30-year-old can protect his family from her with $ 300,000, paying a premium of $ 25 a month. Term life insurance: the home security and peace of mind you deserve.
If you need peace of mind and security in your home, purchase term life insurance. This way the dreams of your family members will be protected if you were to miss them.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.