The 2023 Obamacare Enrollment Period Is Here | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

The 2023 Obamacare Enrollment Period Is Here

The 2023 Obamacare Enrollment Period Is Here. November 1 to January 15 is the enrollment period for government-subsidized health insurance, known as Obamacare. But those who intend to have coverage from January 1, 2023, and not from February 1, must enroll before December 15, 2022.
Like every year, some insurers enter the market and others leave it. For example, if you are a Bright Health customer, you should have received a notice explaining that the insurer is withdrawing from the market. In other words, you cannot renew your policy, so you should contact your insurance agent to help you choose another plan that meets your health and financial needs.
Even if you are very happy with your current plan and want to continue with it, it is recommended that you do an active renewal. In other words, instead of waiting for the automatic renewal of your current plan, it is recommended that you inquire about the changes that it may experience from next year. For example, for a 2022 silver plan, whose premium was zero dollars, maybe in 2023 the premium for it will have a different price. So it’s in your best interest to switch plans.
It is also possible that there are new subsidies that if you do not apply for them you will not be able to benefit from them.
Anyway, the 2023 registration period is open. Don’t wait with your arms crossed. Contact an Unvisita Insurance specialist and they will help you choose the plan that best suits your needs and convenience. The 2023 Obamacare Enrollment Period Is Here.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 964-8803. You can also quote for free here.