Three benefits within your reach if you properly protect your eyes | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Three benefits within your reach if you properly protect your eyes

Three benefits within your reach if you properly protect your eyes. Taking care of your vision is key to enjoying a good quality of life. That’s why having vision insurance can provide a series of benefits, in addition to protecting ocular health.
Although many people underestimate the importance of having vision insurance, it is necessary to debunk some misconceptions about eye diseases and understand the benefits of having this coverage.
One common myth is that “only older people need to worry about their eye health.” In reality, eye diseases can affect people of all ages. We are all at risk of experiencing problems such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or more serious conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Another myth is that “only those with vision problems need vision insurance.” However, vision insurance not only covers refractive errors – abnormalities in the eye that hinder proper vision – but also comprehensive eye exams, early detection of eye diseases, and discounts on the purchase of glasses or contact lenses. Even if you have 20/20 vision, it is essential to undergo regular check-ups – at least once a year – to detect hidden problems and prevent diseases in their early stages.

In summary, some of the benefits of having vision insurance are:

  1. Comprehensive eye exams:
    Vision insurance provides access to comprehensive eye exams, including visual acuity tests, ocular health evaluations, and detection of eye diseases. This helps identify early problems and receive timely treatment.
  2. Discounts on glasses and contact lenses:
    Many vision insurance plans offer significant discounts on the purchase of glasses or contact lenses. This helps reduce the costs of visual correction and facilitates access to quality products.
  3. Early detection of eye diseases:
    Early detection of serious eye diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration is crucial for effective treatment. Vision insurance covers the necessary exams to identify these diseases as early as possible and prevent irreversible damage.
  4. Promotion of ocular health:
    Vision insurance often includes programs to promote ocular health, providing information and resources for maintaining healthy vision. This may include advice on nutrition, sun protection, and daily eye care.

Don’t hesitate, contact Univista Insurance and get vision insurance that will help you maintain your quality of life, well-being, and optimal eye health. Three benefits within your reach if you properly protect your eyes.

Call us today for a complete qualification! (305) 227-9304. You can also get a free quote here.