Achieve true protection of your workshop | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Achieve true protection of your workshop

Tips to achieve true protection of your workshop. Florida’s nearly 8 million cars regularly need to be repaired or serviced at one of the state’s 22,000 auto repair shops.
According to the specialized publication Ibis World, the workshop business continues to flourish. In 2021, despite the pandemic, it grew by 2.2%, a figure that has been repeated in the last five years.
The attractiveness of this business is that these millions of cars entrust their safety to the responsible work of the workshops. On the one hand, they are a permanent source of income, but on the other hand, each customer and each repair could be the potential source of a claim for damages or civil liability.
If you own a mechanic shop, regardless of your great skills and the professional work you do, there is nothing better for your peace of mind than being able to lay your head on your pillow, knowing that your business is adequately protected. What would happen if one of the cars to be repaired catches fire, or someone steals it, or if a hydraulic jack fails and a mechanic is injured or a customer, getting out of the car, slips and is injured?
When you review or take out your commercial insurance package for the workshop or Garage Liability, make sure that it includes coverage for damage to the building – the workshop’s own building – and the contents, which protects the inventory -tools and machinery-, as well as coverage of compensation to your workers, Garage Keepers coverage to protect the cars or boats of your clients and commercial auto coverage that insures your company’s vehicles. It is also important to have coverage for bodily injuries, whether caused by products or tools you use, the employees or services you provide, and legal coverage, to use in case of being sued.
In addition, you may be interested in having an Umbrella policy (Commercial Umbrella), to protect your business against damages not covered by your policies. Tips to achieve true protection of your workshop.
Univista Insurance specialists can advise you to achieve insurance tailored to your workshop that guarantees that an error or an accident does not endanger the continuity of the business.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.