Tips to prevent Christmas shopping from being stolen from your car | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Tips to prevent Christmas shopping from being stolen from your car

Tips to prevent Christmas shopping from being stolen from your car. During the Christmas season, there is an increase in vehicle thefts. Many people go shopping and visit different malls. On this tour, it is customary to leave gifts in the trunk of the car or in the back seats. The opportunity that the friends of others take advantage of to commit their wrongdoing.
Many of these thieves are very fast. They can break the window in a second and extract whatever catches their eye.
To avoid this, try to park your car near the business you are going to visit, in well-lit areas where your car can be seen. Observe if there is any surveillance camera and park your vehicle in its angle of vision of it.
Make sure gifts are not visible to everyone. If you have space in the trunk, do not leave them on the seats.
If you bought a gift at one mall, but need to go to another store to continue shopping, put the gifts in the trunk before moving to the second store. Because if, when you arrive at the second store, you put the gifts in the trunk and then leave, a thief may notice that he left something valuable in the car.
Always be sure to leave the doors locked. Although auto insurance can cover theft and vandalism, if your deductible is higher than the purchase, it won’t be worth giving the company a report.
Precautions is the best way to prevent criminals from ruining your Christmas season. Tips to prevent Christmas shopping from being stolen from your car.

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