What do I do if a storm breaks the roof of my house? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

What do I do if a storm breaks the roof of my house?

What do I do if a storm breaks the roof of my house? One of the worst times a homeowner experience is seeing a leaky roof on their property. Although it is a very common damage to the roofs of old houses, it is not very logical in new roofs, but what to do when a storm is the origin of the break?
The first thing is to control the filtration. When a leak is detected, which is generally seen in the false ceiling when the water accumulates, a small slot must be made so that the liquid impounded there can drain and avoid greater evils. Understand a great deterioration of the false ceiling and that due to the humidity the dangerous mold arises.
The second key step is to document the damage. Take photos and videos of the magnitude of the break. Record if the water seepage caused other damages. For example, if the liquid fell on a television set, a computer, a sofa, or spoiled a mattress on a bed.
All this documentation will be very necessary when claiming the insurance.
The third step is to call a reputable roof repair company or that a friend has given you a good reference. Keep in mind that roof repairs need permission from the city and comply with local codes.
If the leak is the result of a storm, either because a tree fell on the roof or a gust of wind projected a heavy object that caused the break, then you should claim your insurance company.
But if the leak occurred due to the age of the roof, the insurance company will most likely refuse to take care of the damage. The indicated thing, in these cases, is to try to fix the roof without claiming. What do I do if a storm breaks the roof of my house?
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