What does the typical flood insurance not cover? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

What does the typical flood insurance not cover?

What does the typical flood insurance not cover? There are few Florida homeowners who doubt the importance of having flood insurance to protect their homes and belongings. It is only fitting in a state with such a long coastline, abundant bodies of water, frequent heavy rainfall, sea intrusions, and yearly visits from hurricanes and storms.
One could say that water threatens us from the sky, sea, and land, and with such risks, it is understandable to have adequate protection. The most recent example was the flooding in Fort Lauderdale in April of this year, which affected over 2,000 homes due to 20 inches of rain falling within 24 hours.
While it is crucial to understand the importance of having flood insurance, it is also important to understand the limits of this policy and what falls outside its coverage to act accordingly.
Typical flood insurance covers physical damage caused by water penetration from the ground into a home. For example, if a storm causes water to enter your house from below the door.
But what does flood insurance generally exclude?
Flood insurance does not cover damage caused by water from a broken pipe, nor does it cover the destruction caused by rain entering your home through an open window or a hole in the roof. It also does not cover damage caused by water intrusion in the garden, pool, or if it destroys the fences on your property. If water entering your home damages cash, collectibles, or family heirlooms, they will also not be covered. However, it is worth noting that some of these losses may be covered by homeowner’s insurance.
If you are looking for flood insurance, do not forget to call Univista Insurance. What does the typical flood insurance not cover?

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