What happens to my life policy when love ends? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

What happens to my life policy when love ends?

What happens to my life policy when love ends? It is common practice for one member of the couple to designate the other as the beneficiary of their life insurance. The concern arises when the love ends, the spouses separate and the owner of the policy wants to designate another person as his beneficiary.
In most contracts, there is no major difficulty in changing the beneficiary. It is a very simple procedure. It is only necessary to communicate to the insurer the desire to appoint another. The consent of the former is not even required to carry out the substitution.
However, if the couple has children together, the judge in charge of the divorce process may determine that the insurance contracting party pay alimony to their child and, in order to guarantee the financial stability of the minor in the event of the death of the parent, rule that continue to maintain the ex-partner as a beneficiary of the life insurance.
On the other hand, it is not recommended to put a minor as a beneficiary, since, if the insurance contracting party dies, the children would not be able to access the benefit until they reach the age of majority. What happens to my life policy when love ends?
Many, in case of rupture, contemplate the option of canceling the insurance. But this is not a smart decision, since it means throwing away the money invested for so long.

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