Which plan offers higher quality service? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Which plan offers higher quality service?

Which plan offers higher quality service? The advantage of having subsidized health insurance is indisputable. However, some people still have doubts about the difference between the different providers and the existing plans in the insurance market.
The first important clarification that we must make is that all policyholders in the insurance market will have access to the same level and quality of medical care. It is necessary to insist that there is no difference in terms of quality of services between the different plans despite their silver, bronze or platinum denomination.
Having clarified this aspect, it is essential to point out that all health providers that participate in the health insurance market have to offer at least the following 10 essential benefits:

  1. Outpatient services for patients
    These are the treatments that patients receive without the need to be admitted to a hospital.
  2. Emergency services
    Urgent care that a patient receives at the nearest hospital is called, without requiring authorization from the insurance provider. The provider can only charge you what is stipulated for emergency services. Not another charge.
  3. Hospitalization
    When a patient is admitted to a hospital for any treatment including surgery.
  4. Pregnancy
    The health plan must cover pregnancy and delivery care. Regardless of the gestational age of the patient. It must also cover care for the mother and assistance to the newborn.
  5. Mental health services
    All plans must cover behavioral health treatment, psychotherapy, and counseling. As well as inpatient mental and behavioral health treatment and substance use disorder treatment.
  6. Prescription drug coverage
  7. Rehabilitative services, appliances and devices to help patients overcome injuries, disabilities or chronic conditions.
  8. Plans must cover preventive, wellness, and chronic disease management treatments, such as vaccines and disease screenings, at no cost. For example, tests to detect cholesterol, colorectal test to detect cancer, test to detect Type 2 diabetes, Hepatitis B, C, AIDS, among others.
  9. Laboratory services
  10. Pediatric services, including vision and oral care. Which plan offers higher quality service?

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