Why have flood insurance in Florida? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Why have flood insurance in Florida?

Why have flood insurance in Florida? Every decision has its own set of pros and cons. For those who buy property in Florida to enjoy the great weather, sunshine, and beaches, the flip side is hurricanes, torrential rains, and flooding.
Yes, flooding and water surges in Florida are a recurring phenomenon, so it’s advised that all homeowners purchase flood insurance, especially those living in high-risk flood areas.
The great thing about flood insurance is that it covers both the structural damages caused by water penetration to property and losses and damages to personal property.
There’s a stark reality that underlines the financial security flood insurance can provide in Florida: If water entering your home floods just an inch of the structure, it can cause damages exceeding $25,000.
Furthermore, if you have your homeowner’s insurance with Citizens and the value of your insured home exceeds $600,000, remember that you must have flood insurance. While Citizens doesn’t sell them, you can get one tailored to your needs at Univista Insurance.

Give us a call today for a comprehensive quote! 305-267-7138. You can also get a free quote right here.