Wow, it's so hot outside. It's better not to leave the house | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Wow, it’s so hot outside. It’s better not to leave the house

Wow, it’s so hot outside. It’s better not to leave the house. What a heat! It’s the most repeated phrase these days in Florida. Thermometers above 100 degrees Fahrenheit are irrefutable evidence that you can fry an egg on the hood of a car outdoors. The authorities, wisely, recommend not staying outdoors for too long between 10:00 am and 7:00 pm and advise those who have to work outside to stay well-hydrated.
Can you imagine if, with all that’s going on, a short circuit damages your air conditioning unit? Then, your house would turn into a real oven.
If that were to happen and you have homeowner’s insurance, remember that your policy covers damages such as explosions, fires, or falling objects. In other words, if a tree fell on the external unit of your air conditioning, or a sudden fire damages it, or a hailstorm destroys it, or a vehicle that has an accident enters your yard and damages it, you should report it to your insurance company.
Once you pay the deductible, your insurer will cover the cost of replacing the unit according to the market value or actual cash value, depending on your contract.
Review your policy and make sure that all the important appliances on your property are protected by insurance. If you have any doubts, contact Univista Insurance, where you will get all the explanations about your policy, and they will study if they can recommend a more economical contract for you. Wow, it’s so hot outside. It’s better not to leave the house.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.