Bought your home; it's time to get life insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Bought your home; it’s time to get life insurance

You have bought your home; it’s time to get life insurance. The low-interest rates offered by banks today and the relatively small inventory of properties have been the perfect formula for increasing the demand for homes in South Florida. Consequently, many people have desperately launched into the real estate market to get their biggest investment.
If you have been lucky enough to buy your home and you already own that little piece of land where your family will live, then you should consider having term life insurance that covers the price of your mortgage and that extends throughout the time of it.
The advantage of term life insurance is that it can be obtained for a specified time, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years. That feature makes it very cheap and simple life insurance. Unlike other types of insurance, your premium will not vary throughout the life of the contract. That is, if you pay $ 28 a month for it, that will be your payment until the end.
Term life insurance is a great option in case the worst happens to you, since your family is protected, which is, ultimately, the goal of acquiring a family home. You have bought your home; it’s time to get life insurance.
Call Univista Insurance and purchase term life insurance to ensure that, should you fail, your family can continue to enjoy the comforts you have created for them.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.