A Christmas gift that can lower your auto insurance price | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

A Christmas gift that can lower your auto insurance price

A Christmas gift that can lower your auto insurance price. Amidst the joy and anticipation of the holiday season, the most common question tends to be: What gift to choose? It’s always the same: a shirt, a dress, the typical tie, a night in a hotel, a romantic dinner, garden tools, a pair of heels, or a purse. How about breaking the mold this year by considering a gift that not only surprises but also provides tangible benefits: the security of a car and the opportunity to save money on insurance?
An effective way to reduce the cost of auto insurance premiums is by adding security devices that make vehicle theft more difficult. While many new cars already incorporate these devices, your spouse’s or child’s vehicle might need them. Here are some options that could turn your Christmas gift into a valuable investment:

  1. Audible Alarm: Installing an audible alarm can decrease insurance premiums by up to 10%. These systems emit strong vibrations when thieves touch the vehicle, drawing attention and deterring potential criminals.
  2. GPS Trackers: GPS trackers allow tracking of the car’s location from a smartphone. Besides movement alerts, some advanced models can even immobilize the vehicle in case of theft. While they involve an initial cost, their effectiveness can translate into long-term savings.
  3. Keyless Entry Door Locks with Remote Control: These affordable locks, costing around $28, provide security and convenience.
  4. Steering Wheel Lock: This physical device offers an effective alternative to prevent theft, serving as a tangible deterrent.
  5. Smart Keys: By blocking the car through a radio pulse generator, smart keys provide an additional layer of protection. If the vehicle doesn’t have an original smart key, installation by an automotive technician might be an option.

Before purchasing any device, it’s best for you to consult with Univista Insurance. Their advisors can guide you on which devices to acquire and how they’ll impact insurance premium costs.
This gift will be surprising and provide greater peace of mind and security on the roads. Merry Christmas! A Christmas gift that can lower your auto insurance price.

Give us a call today for a comprehensive evaluation! (305) 985-4126. You can also get a free quote here.