Consequences of reopening a business in a pandemic.
Florida enters Phase 1 toward the New Normal. Many nonessential businesses are allowed to resume business, provided they meet the restrictions recommended by the Center for Disease Control. In other words, it may be reopened, but we will not act in the same way as we did before COVID-19 existed. Simply because the virus will be with us until the vaccine is found.
The novelty is that in all businesses the use of protective masks will be compulsory and jobs will have to be accommodated in order to comply with social distancing. A 6 foot gap must be established between workers.
In some places, employees will even have to wear gloves. It will be a legal imperative to take extreme measures to disinfect the equipment and furniture used for work. It will be necessary to establish schedules to clean the surfaces that are most commonly touched, such as door handles, tables, handrails, elevator buttons. It will be necessary to put a hand sanitizer at the entrances and a lot of other sanitary measures.
Under these circumstances, the health and well-being of customers and employees is key. Any violation of the new restrictions could justify a lawsuit against the company.
As never before, it is necessary to have updated the Business Owner Policy known as BOP, which protects the owner from civil liability, theft, and the equipment she uses in the business.
It is also necessary to have the Worker Compensation Policy updated, which would avoid more than one lawsuit by employees, especially if one of them falls ill due to something that he may consider to be the negligence of the company by not providing adequate protection.
The New Normal forces us to be more vigilant. There are many families having a hard time, there are many desperate people and companies can fall prey to this malaise.
Call Univista Insurance and update your commercial insurance policies. Talk to the specialized agent in case there is any protection for your business that you do not know.