Car sensors: the end of, "the blow warns" | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Car sensors: the end of, “the blow warns”

Car sensors: the end of, “the blow warns”. The human body has five senses, touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste. They are our biological tools, the sensors that allow us to interact with the environment around us and become aware of ourselves. Modern cars have multiple sensors. In this case, mechanical or technological tools help them interact more and more with the motorist, communicate their status, provide comfort and facilitate safe driving.
This self-driving communication that seems so natural is very new. A few years ago, before going on a long trip, as a preventive measure, to make sure that the car we were going to drive was safe, we raised the hood and measured the oil, and we looked at the levels of the windshield wiper fluids, the water in the radiator. We kicked the tires to see if they were inflated enough. Only after doing all those checks were we calm, we could make a safe trip. Currently, it is only necessary to sit in the car so that it tells us how it is.
Those in charge of establishing that self-human communication are the sensors. Some instruments indicate the level of gasoline and oil and the status of the filters. If we go back, they turn on a camera so that we can observe what is happening behind us and with an alarm, they tell us if we get too close to an obstacle. It’s over that of: “Dale, the blow warns”.
The level of communication is such that it not only tells us if the wheel is short of air but also the pressure of each tire.
The fundamental function of sensors is to guarantee safety. They can tell us the level of consumption of the car, or if the engine is going too many revolutions. If an engine malfunction occurs, a warning light will come on on the board indicating the fault. This is very useful information as it can allow us to take action in a time before a breakdown occurs.
The sensors are like our secretary, they say if we did not put the gas cap on correctly, if the hood or the doors are not closed properly, if we do not have the seat belt on, if it starts to rain they activate the windshield wipers and if it gets dark, they turn on the lights so we can see down the road.
There is no doubt that sensors emerged to make life easier for drivers. Above all, to provide greater security. However, there is no sensor that ensures the repair of a vehicle after an accident. For that, it is best to have Univista Insurance. Car sensors: the end of, “the blow warns”.

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