Consequences of reforming the house without obtaining permission | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Consequences of reforming the house without obtaining permission

Consequences of reforming the house without obtaining permission. Sometimes we want to do a home repair and the contractors themselves suggest you do it without permission from the City. They argue that the permit is a hindrance because it delays the reform. “You have to make the request, they have to approve it, then they pass an inspection, you have to pay them and all this is wasting time and money. Don’t worry, we are specialists and we will make the reform to code”, they usually promise.
If you receive an offer similar to the one above, consider switching contractors.
Before changing the windows, renewing the electrical system of the house, making a gas installation, putting up a fence, or renovating the roof, you must request permission from the City Building Department.
Because in addition to risking a fine of several thousand dollars, the local authorities can order you to demolish the finished work. In that case, you will have wasted the money and time you intended to save.
On the other hand, if an accident occurs related to a reform made without a permit, the owner’s insurance would not assume compensation. Imagine that an incorrect electrical installation causes a fire that devours a large part of the structure of your house. Better not even think about it, it is not worth putting your largest investment at so much risk. Consequences of reforming the house without obtaining permission.

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