Do I need flood insurance if I don't live in an area at risk? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Do I need flood insurance if I don’t live in an area at risk?

Do I need flood insurance if I don’t live in an area at risk? The reality tells us that Florida homeowners should purchase flood insurance, even if the area where they live is not considered a risk area by the Federal Emergency Management Agency -FEMA-.
The geophysical characteristics of the terrain of Florida mean that there are no areas that are totally safe from the threats of the waters. In other words, in Florida, we all live in “flood zones”.
According to FEMA, 25% of floods occur in areas outside the areas designated by them as at risk of flooding.
A curious fact is that the homeowner’s insurance that covers the damage that can be caused by fire, an act of vandalism, or the breakage of the roof caused by the wind, however, does not protect you from the greatest threat that exists in Florida, which is the ingress of water in a house.
Just as you hear it, a FEMA study argues that a home located in a moderate flood risk zone is more likely to be flooded than a fire in 30 years.
Our advice is to make an effort and be cautious, about purchasing flood insurance. To prevent the waters from drowning your American dream.
Call Univista Insurance and you’ll get the cheapest flood insurance in Florida. Do I need flood insurance if I don’t live in an area at risk?

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-267-7138. You can also quote for free here.